When you think of an urgent care center, what do you think of? Somewhere to go when you have a cough? Maybe a sore throat?
Many people do not realize how many services that urgent care centers provide, not to mention more quickly and affordably! We want to give you a detailed list of some of the core services that we provide so you know when it’s time to come see us!
Urgent care services can generally be broken down into 3 primary categories:
- Illness – When you don’t feel well
- Injury – When you hurt yourself
- Wellness & Prevention – Primary Care
Some examples of services related to illness are:
- Flu & Cold
- Sore Throats
- Fever & Cough
- Bronchitis, Asthma & Pneumonia
- Ear & Sinus Infections
- Allergies, rashes, & allergic reactions
- Abdominal Pain, Nausea & Vomiting
- Labs & Testing
Some examples of services related to injuries are:
- Lacerations & Abrasions
- Sprains & Strains
- Fractures & Dislocations
- Bites & Stings
- Burns
- X-Rays
Some examples of services related to wellness & prevention are:
- Flu shots
- Vaccinations & immunizations
- Sports, camp, and school physicals
- Employer services
Have a question about a service that isn’t listed here? Go to our find a location page and contact your nearest center!